2023 Speaker Bios

2023 Speakers - ST Square - 15

LinkedIn Profile

Brad Chesham is a highly motivated VR Evangelist, Nurse Educator, and Education Disruptor with a strong background in acute tertiary intensive care nursing and innovative healthcare solutions.

As the Founder of Bundle of Rays, Brad launched a pioneering nursing education start-up that utilizes virtual reality technology to develop cutting-edge training programs. His innovative approach brings innovation to the forefront of healthcare education.

Brad's expertise extends internationally, having collaborated with renowned organizations such as the British Army in Afghanistan, the Australian Federal Police in Papua New Guinea, and leading Oil & Gas companies. In these roles, he has implemented healthcare initiatives in diverse locations and managed critical clinical situations under challenging conditions.

Currently serving as a Clinical Educator for the Australian Resuscitation Council, Brad facilitates training and education programs across Australia, promoting best practices in resuscitation and emergency care. He stays up-to-date with the latest research and disseminates knowledge to healthcare professionals.

Brad's skills include Virtual Reality in Healthcare, Nurse Education and Training, Acute Tertiary Intensive Care, Innovative Healthcare Solutions, International Healthcare Projects, Crisis Management and Critical Care, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Resuscitation and Emergency Care.

His dedication to ongoing learning and skills development has earned him prestigious awards for his commitment to excellence. Brad is an Innovation Fellow at The Ohio State University and a participant in the Australian Clinical Entrepreneur Program.

With his passion for pushing the boundaries of healthcare education, Brad continues to drive positive change and revolutionize healthcare education for the betterment of patient care worldwide.