Paul Seymour

Paul Seymour
Co-CEO of Patient Zero
Paul’s teenage years were divided between coding and selling computer games, carnivorous plants, instrumental teaching and playing in youth orchestras. He studied psychology and computer science at the University of Sydney, before gaining entry to the NSW Conservatorium of Music. The relentless onslaught of band camp jokes led him to rethink his life choices, and eventually he shifted his goals back toward code.
Paul has founded several start-ups, some of which have sold for millions, others have lost millions. It’s pretty much a coin toss as to whether he is any good at it.
He has become increasingly interested in the way organisations treat people, and how authority and decision making impacts the creativity and productivity of software engineering teams.
His technical interests tend toward large scale distributed systems, and how code, security and architectural complexity can be managed in a way that allows systems to efficiently evolve and remain accessible to junior developers.
In his free time, he plays piano and flute. He designs and builds edge computing solutions, including PCB fabrication, 3D printing and firmware. He has a particular interest in off grid living, renewables, and anything that can help him survive a zombie apocalypse.